Thursday, August 2, 2007

Blame it on Harry Potter

So I have not been blogging for a while - and it is all Harry Potter's fault! I read the Deathly Hallows on Saturday the 21st and then I decided to read them all over again. That pretty much took up all of my free time, especially since I had to go to 5 different libraries to get ahold of them all.

Plus, I was sharing them with the older girls, which made things more complicated. As soon as I finished DH I discussed it with my husband and we decided to let the big ones read them. So, it has been all HP all the time around here!

We also rented the dvds and then the girls went to see the new movie - without me!!!! I was honestly jealous - pretty sad, huh?

As for the Deathly Hallows -

Hedwig, Dobby and Fred - I was sad, very sad and horribly sad.

Hermione and Ron - what a fun ride!

Harry and Ginny - sooo glad that it was minimal!

Harry and Voldemort - I think that it worked.

Luna's bedroom, Ron's return, Neville's bravery, Viktor's crack about the good-looking girls - lots of good stuff.

The epilogue - thumbs up. What can I say - I am sentimental!

Sure, the plot was convoluted, and I missed Hogwarts but I enjoyed spending time with everyone - so I was pleased.

If I could, I would ask JKR about the Bible verses on the tombstones. Obviously Harry did not get them - but was she trying to imply that Dumbledore and Harry's parents knew them? Or did she just use them because they were appropriate? I wonder...

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